Phlo fly rods
Phlo fly rods

phlo fly rods

IT may be proper here to apologize for many of the subsequent conjectures on some articles of natural philosophy, as not being supported by accurate investigation or conclusive experiments. SWORDS, Printers to theįaculty of Physic of Columbia College, No. The first American, from the third London Edition. Page TO THE AUTHOR OF THE POEM ON THE LOVES OF THE PLANTS.Ĭuncta, coloribus egregiis et odoribus opplet. In the second Poem, or Loves of the Plants, the Sexual System of Linnaeus is explained, with the remarkable properties of many particular plants.

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In the first Poem, or Economy of Vegetation, the physiology of Plants is delivered, and the operation of the Elements, as far as they may be supposed to affect the growth of Vegetables. While their particular design is to induce the ingenious to 〈◊〉 the knowledge of Botany, by introducing them to the vestibule of that delightful science, and recommending to their attention the immortal works of the celebrated Swedish Naturalist, LINNAEUS. THE general design of the following sheets is to inlist Imagination under the banner of Science and to lead her votaries from the looser analogies, which dress out the imagery of poetry, to the stricter ones, which form the ratiocination of philosophy. Page ADVERTISEMENT TO THE LONDON EDITION. On the whole, the Publishers venture to believe that they shall be found to have fulfilled every expec|tation which they raised by their proposals and that they shall have acquitted themselves, in this under|taking, to general satisfaction. In their edition, the Poem is comprized in a single volume of commo|dious form the type and paper are superior to those of the Irish, and, perhaps, not inferior to those of the English copies no plates, but such as are merely or|namental, and of these only four out of twenty-one plates in all, have been omitted those which are in|serted are executed in the best manner the state of the arts in this city will admit: and there is reason to believe that few errors are discoverable in the letter|press. In the present edition, the Publishers have endea|voured to reconcile the two extremes and to attainĬonvenience and cheapness, without any censurable sacrifice of correctness and elegance. It is in two separate volumes and bears a price dis|proportionate to its value as a book. The Dublin edition, in octavo, which has princi|pally circulated in the United States, is deficient both in correctness and in many plates, essential to the thorough comprehension of several parts of the work. It is, beside, more adapted for a library than for daily use. The London copy, in quarto, sells for twelve dol|lars and upwards in America a price which readers of Poetry, and even students of Nature, in this coun|try, can seldom conveniently pay.

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They may be indulged, how|ever, in a few remarks on the advantages of the pre|sent edition. THE success of "THE BOTANIC GARDEN" has been so great in Europe, and its reputation is so well established in America, that it would betray a culpa|ble vanity in the Publishers, were they to attempt, by any thing that they could offer in this place, to recommend the Poem to the further patronage of their fellow-citizens. Page ADVERTISEMENT TO THE AMERICAN EDITION.

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SWORDS, Printers to the Faculty of Physic of Columbia College, No.

Phlo fly rods